Important changes to the link shortener script Quick acceptance Full configuration search results are issued Full configuration A complete configuration method until it is ready to launch because it is very difficult to program PHP programming. You can modify it from the control panel.
Put the ads.txt file, explain the method in an easy way, routes, then web.php, and then put the programming code at the beginning of the page.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
Route::get(‘/ads.txt’, function () {
$content = Storage::disk(‘public’)->get(‘ads.txt’);
return response($content, 200)
->header (‘Content-Type’, ‘text/plain’)
….. Then we put the ads.txt file in the storage/app/public file
Now home page modifications
First, we go to the resources path, then views , then to the home page , then to the index.blade.php file, then edit.
Redirect 404 error pages to the home page / via the following code. Place the code on the 404 page. Search for it in the middle of the files.
header(‘Location: ‘ . url(‘/’));
Important changes to the link shortener script Quick acceptance Full configuration
I hope it will benefit everyone
Watch the full episode to benefit. All files are available here from 1 to 4.