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Earnings from NEIRO coins reached 0.00117160 on Binance

Earnings from NEIRO coins reached 0.00117160 on Binance NEIRO is a great currency to trade. It is very volatile. You can benefit from it and get immediate profits. You can also earn a lot.

Earnings from NEIRO coins reached 0.00117160 on Binance
Earnings from NEIRO coins reached 0.00117160 on Binance


Buy the currency now to benefit quickly and very cheaply, and after the rise, sell the currency with ease 


What is Neiro coin?

Earnings from NEIRO coins reached 0.00117160 on Binance
Earnings from NEIRO coins reached 0.00117160 on Binance

Neiro is a modern meme coin developed on the Ethereum network and considers itself the spiritual successor to Dogecoin. It was launched at a symbolic moment on August 4, 2024, coinciding with the new moon, and has captured the attention of the cryptocurrency community in a big way. The project is also 100% community-driven, giving it an independence and transparency that many other projects lack.

Neiro’s story carries some of the hallmarks of Dogecoin’s iconic heritage, as it was adopted by the same person who cared for the “Kaboso” dog that made the Doge meme famous. Additionally, the coin received an indirect endorsement from Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin, who donated over $500,000 to an animal welfare fund, adding to the project’s popularity.

Neiro Digital Project

Earnings from NEIRO coins reached 0.00117160 on Binance
Earnings from NEIRO coins reached 0.00117160 on Binance

The Neiro project is not just a fun meme coin, but a serious initiative that aims to promote the values ​​of sustainability and transparency in the world of cryptocurrencies. The project promises to launch a number of charitable initiatives that aim to support humanitarian causes such as animal welfare, in an attempt to combine humanitarian values ​​and technology.

One of the most notable features of the project is its focus on building a strong community around the coin. The community is the one that takes charge of its development and management, giving the project a democratic and grassroots character. This community approach gives the coin a huge advantage over projects led by a small group of developers or investors.

Neiro Cryptocurrency Data Table

Item Value
Classification 268
Market value 139.47M$
Fully discounted market value 140.24M$
Trading supplies 418.38B NEIRO
Maximum supply 420.69B NEIRO
Total supply 420.69B NEIRO
Highest record price 0.00039230405321$
Lowest record price 0.000002433929875$
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